(Team Blind is another Korean forum) 

"Is smoking something considerably big to reconsider dating someone?"

This is what my female date/crush told me
She said she's unable to date someone who smokes.. 
So she told me to end things there;; 

To be honest, isn't she just trying to find excuses? 

Do you think that whether a person smokes or not is such a big deal that you would reconsider dating someone?
Or do you think that she was trying to find any excuse to not date him?

original post: here

1. The smell of smoking is disgusting, I'd hate dating a smoker.. 

2. It's a f*cking huge deal... First of all, you can't get rid of the smell. And when you guys are dating and time has passed, I bet he would smoke at least 3 times a day and I'm not there to wait after him every time he smokes. Even if he tells me he'd only smoke when we're not on dates, I would still reconsider dating him and I would definitely not marry him.. 

3. Smoking is ranked one of the top reasons why people consider dating someone or not. For me, I would hate kissing a smokerㅋㅋㅋ I already hate the smell when they're just standing next to me 

4. I would never date a smoker

5. How can you date someone who smells?

6. I don't care if my friends smoker but a lover is different.. 

7. No matter how the smoker has good ventilation, cleans after themselves and washes all the time, there's still that unique smell to smokers, it's a huge deal 

8. This is freaking important, I would never date a smoker, I can't even stand next to someone who smokes 

9. I guess it's half half, there are people who really hate it. I don't like smokers either, but it's not to the point I wouldn't date them 

10. This is my number one non-negotiabeㅋㅋㅋ I don't care how handsome you are, I would never date you 

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