- Almost nobody will tell you
- "I support you." or "You'll do well." because...
- So I'm against disclosing it. You won't hear anything good.
- So don't expect too much from the people around you."
- Listen to yourself, not the world around you, and move forward without doubt.
- Because sometimes your closest friends are your biggest enemies."
original post: here
1. I had a lot of instances where I wondered if I should comment on my friends' decision if they'll do whatever they want anyway. Just not asking makes it easier for me as the listener, with no worries or stress. Han Hyejin may think like that because of the nature of the industry, but in my case, I just don't ask because I'm scared that my friends will get jealous of me. I think that people should just handle their own affairs.
2. I don't ask around when I make big decisions either. Even for my family, I just do my own thing and tell them later
3. I just tell people to do what they want to do. It's not an issue of jealousy or support. It's because the people who ask don't want to take responsibility for their own actions
4. Well said
5. For real, this is a life advice
6. For real, now that I'm the university, I would tell my friends about my plans and they would say things like "you?" and side-eye meã…‹ã…‹ã…‹
7. No matter how close to someone you are, they are still not you. There were times when I wanted them to be on the same page as me but ended up regretting telling them anything
8. I also think that what she said is right. Asking people for advice is honestly poisonous
9. Really?... it's different around me though
10. I ask around but it's still my decision