"Hello, this is SM Entertainment.

We would like to inform you about our artist BoA.

As false facts, malicious personal attacks, insults, and slander against our artist continue to occur on various social media, video sharing platforms, and online communities, we are currently working with Sejong Law Firm, which is in charge of legal responses related to infringement of our artist's rights, as well as additional outside legal counsel to file large-scale lawsuits both domestically and internationally.

Since our previous announcement, we have already collected sufficient material for a number of posts,
We are also investigating and prosecuting specific cases, such as cyber leaks, and plan to continue collecting information to ensure full accountability.

The above behavior has reached a level of severity that is too much for one person to handle, and it is causing great mental distress to the artist. We intend to bring the perpetrators to justice without compromise or settlement,

We want you to know that any malicious postings will be prosecuted at this time.

We reiterate that this is a criminal offence that harms the honor and dignity of individuals, and we strongly believe that these acting agents will be will be severely punished under applicable laws. We implore you to cease your senseless attacks on the artist.

Thank you."

original post: here

1. BoA, please be strong. Seriouslyㅜㅜㅜㅜ

2. Give us all the details of the progress loudly

3. So they are actually giving feedbacks... I'm hoping for a meaningful outcome. I hope they work hard

4. Let's share the progress of the lawsuits too

5. Fighting fighting

6. So let's see some results now

7. Protect BoA

8. But... I can't trust this

9. Please share us the progress of the lawsuits too

10. ㅋㅋ there's a bunch of people to sue even on here. I hope they catch them all

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