"Now that I've completed my military service, there's no point in taking things easy—got to get things done right away"
1. [+62, -3]
It's truly impressive that he went to meet the fans as soon as he discharged, and he didn't try to hide his army-style haircut by wearing a hat or whatever, he just appeared as Kim Seokjin. That's how you can tell he's passionate. He doesn't shy away from being a soldier and being Kim Seojin. I'm so curious to hear his solo album, I bet the notice will be out after the Olympics
2. [+58 ,-3]
It's because Jin is just like that
"I gain the momentum whenever it's for ARMY"
3. [+56, -4]
BTS Jin is also living such a hardworking life...
4. [+52, -6]
This is why he was the one top in the army
5. [+39, -4]
This is Kim Seokjin