- We practiced the entire day
- And perform
- That's jjang right....
- I was nervous until the end ㅎㅎ ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
- Instead, I spent that day to the point where I had trouble breathing
- (the dance) was so hard
"And the five members of New Jeans!
You must have been very busy, but seeing you learn the choreography in one day and never lose your smile even during continuous practice, made me realize once again that there is a reason why people do well! It was an honor to be with you"
(from the locking teacher)
original post: here
1. Finally!! I've been waiting
2. The dance break was insane ㅋㅋ
3. No way!!!!! I wouldn't tell from their faces that they dance well, but why are they such good dancers!!!!!
4. They were too good
5. Haerin-ah, you're insane
6. The popping and locking were so crazy ㅠㅠ
7. Haerin is flying
8. They really dance so well
9. Ha this was f*cking exciting
10. NewJeans are such good dancers