They're a virtual idol group(?) called TRMZ (T-Roamings) created by SK Telecom
Title: "The first roaming is hard, but if you're with T-Roaming, ( )% cash back"
TWS' debut song title
"The first meeting didn't go as planned" (t/n: Korean title)
TWS' latest comeback song
"If I am S, Will you be my N"
All have similar fonts as TRMZ's fonts
1. They remind me more of PLAVE
2. Explain your plagiarism issues with Stray Kids and Big Bang first
3. That font is literally sold in the market...
4. This is literally a parody ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ So funny
5. The moment I saw this, I thought it was a TWS parody
6. That's not a virtual idol group, it's a parody ad
7. Not TWS ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹
8. The photo reminds me of PLAVE
9. Should've used TWS as their models, why are they like that?
10. The hair reminds me of PLAVE