Min Heejin:
아 ㅈㄴ웃겨 애들한테 작사해보라했는데
— 🎀doridori🎀 (@g0mzzang) September 27, 2024
다들 첨에 네??저희가요?? 이랬는데
🧢 개차반이든 나발이든 써봐!! <<ㅆㅂㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
"Ah, it's f*cking funny. she told the kids to try writing lyrics, and at first they were like, 'Huh? Us??'
아놔 민희진 당시 음악시장에서 젤 큰 기업이 에셈이라 간 거고 면접 볼 때 저 여기 음악들도 잘 모르고 그래픽 디자인 개념이 없으신 거 같아서 기여하고 싶어서 왓다 멋잇게 바꿔보겟다 < 일케 말햇대 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
— 와피 (@xxxwappxxx) September 27, 2024
민희진 남자친구랑 싸워도 야 우리 헤어질 것도 아닌데 빨리 풀자 일하기도 피곤해 죽겟는데 < 이런다는데요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 띠발 별걸다알게되네
— 와피 (@xxxwappxxx) September 27, 2024
"Even when Min Hee-jin fights with her boyfriend, she would say 'Yah, we’re not breaking up, so let’s just resolve this quickly. I’m already exhausted to death from work.' ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ F*ck she's really revealing every single thing
씨발 ㅠㅠㅠ 민희진 지금 악의로 계속 걸리는 소송 대응하느라 지금까지 23억 정도 들었고 집 팔아야 할거래.근데 지금 집도 팔수있고 남편과 자식도 없고 부모님도 알아서 잘 사셔서 내가 모은걸로 싸울 수 있으니 다행이다. 일반 사람은 김당 못한다. 이딴짓 못하게 하고싶다. 나는 계속 쳐 맞았다.
— 𝓛𝓔 (@lessislessxxx) September 27, 2024
"F*ck ㅠㅠㅠ Min Hee-jin has already spent about 2.3 billion won on ongoing lawsuits due to malicious claims, and now she has to sell her house. But luckily, she can sell her house and doesn’t have a husband or kids, and her parents are doing well on their own, so she can fight with what she saved. She said it’s a relief. Regular people can’t handle this. She want to stop this kind of nonsense because she's been getting hit non-stop"
ㅆㅂ 대푸님 죽으면 화장할건데 구경하러오래 사리가 얼마나 나오는지 보래
— 🎀doridori🎀 (@g0mzzang) September 27, 2024
"F*ck if CEO-nim dies, she said she'll be cremated and to come and see how many relics will be there"
— 커뉴 (@virentis) September 27, 2024
나랑 멤버들이랑 부모님들이 이 일이 다 끝나면 꼭 엄청 크게 보답하자고 한다. 부모님들은 버니즈한테 고마워서 우신다.
팀 버니즈 @NewJeansSTRM 개인적으로는 모르지만 홍길동처럼 나타나서 도와주시는 게 너무너무 감사하다. 진짜 절을 하고 싶고 너무 감사하다.
"Min Hee-jin:
After all this is over, the members and their parents say we should definitely repay everyone in a big way. The parents are crying because they’re so grateful to the Bunnies. I don’t know the Team Bunnies personally, but I’m incredibly thankful for how they’ve come to help us like a hero. I really want to bow down and express my gratitude
— 커뉴 (@virentis) September 27, 2024
신우석 감독님이 뉴진스랑 일하고 나서 거의 모든 기획사에서 컨택이 왔다고 했지만 신우석 감독님은 애초에 뉴진스 팀과 방향성과 결이 맞았기 때문에 협업한 거임
다른 작업을 이식하려고 하면 무조건 2등이 된다, 왜 디토2를 찍고 싶어하냐?
Min Hee Jin:
Director Shin Woo-seok said that after working with New Jeans, he was contacted by almost every agency, but he collaborated with NewJeans team because their direction and vision were aligned. If you try to transplant another project, you’ll definitely come in second. Why do you want to make Ditto 2?
— 커뉴 (@virentis) September 27, 2024
내가 아무것도 없을 때, 좆밥이었을 때 나를 거둬준 회사에서 일하면서 상사를 어떻게 구워삶을지는 본인 스스로 알아내고 개발해야 된다 (ㅅㅂ ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Min Hee Jin:
When I was a piece of shit and had nothing, I had to figure out and develop on my own how to treat my boss while working for the company that took me in (f*ck ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
민희진 결벽이 ㅈㄴ 심햇어서 팬아트문화 초기에는 팬아트 보고도 스트레스 받았대 아아아 이러케 안생겻는데 왜 일케 그렷디 ㅜ 이럼서 그땐 되바라지고 잘 몰랐을 때래 지금은 모든 팬아트 보기만 해도 눈물난대 애틋해서 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ ㅅㅂ
— 와피 (@xxxwappxxx) September 27, 2024
Min Hee Jin's perfectionism was so bad that she got stressed out just looking at fan art in the early days of the fan art culture. She thought "Aaaah, that's not what they look like, so why did she draw it like this?" It was like that back then when she didn't know much about it, but now she cries just looking at all the fan art because they're so heartbreaking ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ f*ck
ㅆㅂ 혜인이한테 돈 세보라했는데
— 🎀doridori🎀 (@g0mzzang) September 27, 2024
일..십..백..천 이래서
걍 세지말라고 엄마 갖다드리라고 ㅆㅂㅋㅋㅋ
"F*ck she told Hyein to count the money and she started counting "1...10...100...1000..." And she said "Just give it to your mom and stop counting" F*ck ㅋㅋㅋ"
대표님이 버니즈들이 그린 팬아트들 보면 멤버들한테 거의 다 보여준대 멤버들도 직접 찾아보고..
— 데아 (@lovablDea) September 27, 2024
👤 팬들이 너네를 위해 뭘 하는지 알아야해
아이돌들이 알아야해요
CEO nim said that she showed all of the fan art drawn by the Bunnies to the members, and the members also started searching them up
👤 You need to know what your fans do for you. Idols need to know