"Hello. This is Peoplelikepeople. 

We would like to clarify our stance on the similarity between Baek Yerin's “0310” (2019) and Love Next Door's OST “What are we” (2024). 

Before we begin, we would like to apologize to our artist's fans and to Ha Sungwoon and his fans who may have been offended by the inclusion of the singer's name. 

Our artist happened to hear the song “What are we” at the time, recognized the similarities, and expressed his discomfort by pointing to the YouTube link where the song's writing and arranging credits are listed. 

The song form, chord progression, syncopation in the development, key signature in the chorus, timing of instruments entering and exiting, fill-ins, bridge sections, etc. were too similar to be coincidental, except for the melody line of '0310' and 'What are we'. 

However, the composer's statement, which focused on only some parts of the song, such as melody and chords, and explained them with the score, was not convincing. The composer's examples of songs that used the same chord progression are within the range that can be recognized as references, but other musical elements are similar, and it is not reasonable to believe that the composer borrowed a common chord progression.

While the standard and threshold for plagiarism may vary, in our opinion, the two songs are too similar to be considered plagiarism, and we'll be updating this article with more information as we have time to analyze the two songs closely with experts. This is a matter of creative work that deserves to be recognized, and we're treating it with the care and importance it deserves. 

We would also like to reiterate that this is not a comment on the singer, but on the composition and arrangement of the song. We would like to ask fans of both artists to refrain from mentioning other artists in order to avoid any further emotional arguments, as there have been a number of messages and comments directed at both artists. 

We would like to see a dialogue with the composer, an acknowledgment and an apology. Again, we apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused, and we look forward to resolving this as soon as possible. 

Thank you."

original post: here

1. Posting it like that on Instagram was really low... Should’ve responded officially from the start

2. So they posted it before even doing an expert analysis? And now suddenly they're demanding an apology? Also, no one around me even knows Baek Yerin’s song.

3. Wow, Baek Yerin’s fans are insane… Saying, "Does Ha Sungwoon even deserve to be an artist if he didn’t realize while singing it?" That’s crossing the line. Ha Sungwoon’s fans are saints

4. Ha Sungwoon is unfairly caught up in this mess with Baek Yerin’s fans and getting all the hate. Poor guy. And his agency seems weird, too.

5. Now that there’s an official statement, let’s hope they resolve it between themselves. But separately, the original artist’s fans are just over the top. It’s not self-consciousness at this point, it’s something else... Anyway, it's extreme. There are so many great records out there, and thinking everyone must know about this one because it’s important to them is a bit much..

6. No conclusion yet, but they’re demanding recognition and an apology? The agency’s weird too... And I just heard "0310" for the first time, and it sounds so f*cking typical.

7. What even is "0310"? Is it a national hit or something? Some people just don’t change, *shaking my head*, so sensitive.

8. Did they think people would just bash the other side if they preemptively attacked before expert results came out? Why are they treating the plagiarism issue so lightly?

9. Whether or not it’s plagiarism, the issue seems to be more with their attitude and the way they handled it... It’s not like they're a rookie or an independent artist. Why was the response so poor?

10. "0310" has become a typical song now, but before that, it was a pretty unique style. Even though I dislike this singer, I have to admit thatㅇㅇ

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