Why are they suddenly not appearing?ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ"
"+12: Throwing that out on Bubble is a power move in itself. Do you really think they would include someone in the lineup poster without consulting the person involved? The way they act like they're being worshipped is infuriating, and flipping their attitude like that is just so unpleasant to watch. If they have so many complaints, please, just leaveㅜㅜ
> +6: Sigh... Same feelings here.
It's beyond disappointed and I'm actually getting angry>:(
While everyone else is breaking their backs preparing for the final stretch before the performance, do they think just posting one Bubble message is enough?
Seeing those chaotic articles, there's so much I could say, but, hmm... If you're a sunbae, act like a sunbae. If you're experienced, think a bit more before speaking."
"+2: ㅎㅎㅎ I wonder why?
> Ahh... ah.....
> I hope that it's not an issue with their contracts.. SM, don't be like thisㅠㅠ
+16: I can't say anything long but I've been working on the SM Concert since last summer
> +3: That's right, we all know very well that the company is the easy target for blame, so don't be too upset..."
"+12: The entertainment company always ends up taking the blame...
+12: Rushing to share only their own perspective on Bubble when they're upset isn't a good look
+10: It's not "suddenly"... don't trust what celebrities say
+ 4: I have a lot to say but we'll refrain from saying it
- Sigh......"
Taeyeon and Wendy's Bubble
"I was really eager to perform on stage and wanted to prepare for two or three songs with lots of enthusiasm. I told the company about it and was waiting... but to sum it up, they didn't prepare anything, so I couldn't perform at all.
It's absolutely not because I lack motivation or don't want to do it.. I'm just very passionate about the stage and want to give it my all, but they haven't been very supportive, which has made me seriously think about what's going on. I'm sharing this with you, SONE, because I don't want there to be any misunderstandings about me"
"Hello, you may have seen the notice by now, or maybe you haven't yet... The discussion with the company happened over a month ago, but the notice just went up today..."
original post: here
1. Are they selectively trusting who they want? ㅋㅋ They said that they were not trusting the company and now are trusting them again
2. All of the fans who have been fans of SM artists know how sh*tty SM's management isㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ They’re trying to pin the blame on the artist so I don't believe them
3. Taeyeon is sharing everything she wants on Bubble so of course the employees can share their disappointment too
4. I feel f*cking bad for the employees
5. What's with the comment saying that people are blaming the company?ㅋㅋㅋㅋ From the employees' perspective, the company is the one getting hate so why should they care?ㅋ
6. But it's not the first or second time that SM had been trash when it comes to their management?
7. Taeyeon wasn't talking to any of those employees leaving comments so why are they so triggered?ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
8. Why did they make Kwangya 119? The company's employees are the antis themselves
9. The issue isn't that they are not attending. Isn't it because they have not been properly communicated?
10. As someone who works in an office, I really relate to the posts on Blind. The way celebrities backtrack on their words is on another level compared to what ordinary people would expect. Just look at how SM fans defend them here, it's probably because there are so many shinyeos