I realized that the idea of Jang Wonyoung having flawless skin with no pores is just forced virality. I mean, with all the makeup she wears, it's practically impossible for it to not look perfect
Honestly, I was kinda shocked
I really liked Jang Wonyoung back then, I even watched her fancams and remembered the choreographies ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
But I left the fandom after she joined IVE
While studying skin, I wondered if hers was really good or just lighting + editing.
If not, I was curious about what the secret was, so I looked for it.
But the secret was the lighting!
You can look at that
This is exposure + saturation + contrast raised.
It's not corrected to make it look like there are pores.
If you're curious, try it yourself with the original.
post response:
original post: here
1. [+119, -13]
But her skin will still look f*cking good in real life
2. [+89, -10]
Are you f*cking sick in your head? Of course if you're human, you'll have pores. The fact that you're zooming in like that and editing the photos, yet we can barely see anything shows is even more impressive
3. [+70, -19]
No but if that's her skin despite this kind of lighting, her skin must be f*cking unbelievably good
4. [+60, -10]
Ok whatever~
5. [+49, -9]