[teens stories] FASHION IN THE 1980-1990'S

Some pictures might not be in the right generation but I tried my best!

post response:
original post: here

1. [+203, -2]

2. [+125, -6]
You need to be tall. Seriously, I'm so sad because I'm short...

3. [+75, -3

4. [+45, -5]

5. [+35, 0]
I'll share some too. Also, OP, please don't delete this post ㅠㅠㅠ I seriously like posts like these but because of my phone storage, I can only look at the comments..

6. [+31, -1]

7. [+28, 0]

8. [+27, 0]

9. [+26, 0]

10. [+23, -1]

11. [+22, 0]

12. [+21, -6]
He seriously wore clothes in a clean and stylish way

13. [+20, 0]

14. [+18, 0]

15. [+17, -3]

16. [+17, 0]

17. [+15, -1]

18. [+11, 0]

19. [+10, 0]

20. [+10, -5]
This too

21. [+10, 0]

22. [+8, -2]

23. [+8, 0]
Suji unnie's fashion in the 90's

24. [+8, -1]

25. [+8, 0]

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