It was confirmed that the ‘Kakao Talk Prison’ in which actor Nam Joohyuk participated actually existed, and he acted more than just a bystander by cursing at a woman with abusive language.

Female classmate A, who attended Suil high school with Nam Joohyuk, informed this news media that she had suffered the so-called ‘Kakao Talk Hell’ from Nam Joohyuk. 

A's case occurred on May 10, 2012. Both A and Nam Joohyuk were in their third year of high school. A states, "One person in Nam Joohyuk's group hated me, and just for that reason, several people invited me to a 'group chat' and swore at me under the lie that I bullied someone".

A said that at the time, 12 people including Nam Joohyuk forced her in the 'chat room' (Kakao Talk group chat room). Afterwards, she said they poured out remarks of sex*al harassment, demeaning A's appearance, and demeaning A's sex*ality, which was confirmed. 

According to the group chat data obtained by the media, [the group] said harsh words like 'Why are you talking you ugly *** who look like a pig', '*** are you avoiding us because you're scared?', 'Rag-like ***', 'Screw off you ***', 'Tell that *** to f*ck off', etc. 

Nam Joohyuk, who appeared later in the group chat, also directed remarks against A and helped the group in the conversation. Although Nam Joohyuk did not create the group chat room, he acted more than just a bystander.

The ‘Kakao Talk Prison’ perpetrators interviewed the media and attempted a belated apology

In this regard, A said, "I was so shocked and felt like what I underwent was unfair, so I informed the student association of the bullying, and I remember that the incident was concluded with simple campus volunteering, as they agreed to not leave it in the records." A accurately remembered the names of Suil High School teachers who decided to dispose of them at the time. Regarding the perpetrator's claim that reconciliation was made, A explained, "The apology was forcibly made in front of the teacher as a result of the student's disposition."

As the testimony of Nam Joohyuk's bullying continued to spread and the news was published, Nam Joohyuk's friends who were in the group chat room at the time expressed their intention to find A and apologize again. This is because Nam Joo-hyuk is currently in trouble due to a series of revelations.

A said, "I received a message from Nam Joohyuk and his friends claiming that they wanted to apologize to me, but I refused it thinking it was absurd that the perpetrators would apologize only after 10 years. I have no intention of receiving an apology without sincerity,” she said. Regarding the [Dispatch] interview with Nam Joohyuk's friends with contents that were untruthful, A said "Right now, they're commiting secondary assault."

Meanwhile, Choi Seonhee, head of the Green Tree Foundation (Cheongyedan), a school violence prevention group, said, “The ‘Kakao Talk Prison’ is a typical case of cyberbullying, but it is rare for male students to invite a female student to sex*ally harass them. They can be classified and investigated, and they can be punished more severely,” she said.

original post: here

1. Now I can understand why it's so hard for victims to come forward... Because the assailant is always a good person to someone else. The victim will despise the assailant to death, but to the assailant's friends, he's just a kind and good person. This is why victims always look crazy... He's a bad person to me, but he could also be a good person to me if he treated me well. People shouldn't say stuff like "he's so kind, he's such a good person" that easily. This will just rip the victim's heart. There's only a few people in this world who are truly kind

2. "A said, "I received a message from Nam Joohyuk and his friends claiming that they wanted to apologize to me, but I refused it thinking it was absurd that the perpetrators would apologize only after 10 years. I have no intention of receiving an apology without sincerity,” she said. Regarding the [Dispatch] interview with Nam Joohyuk's friends with contents that were untruthful, A said "Right now, they're commiting secondary assault.""

See what I told you? The people calling Nam Joohyuk a 'kind friend' and gave that interview to Dispatch were the same perpetratorsã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ Seriously their shame went out the window

3. He should be rather grateful that he is only being exposed now 

4. Wow seriously what a bunch of loyal friends...

5. Wow and like this, he's done in one blow 

6. For real? So what's the identity behind those 18 people;;; Wow 

7. I'm telling you he's a real thug, why does he insist on pretending to be otherwise?

8. We're not talking about one or two victims anymore 

9. Looks like those sex*al harrassment thugs finally decided that they're going to regret what they did only 10 years laterã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ 

10. So this is how Nam-ssi will go 


Hello. SOOP Management.

We want to address Nam Joohyuk's press article. 

First of all, regarding the content of the recent anonymous secondary report, we once again confirmed that the truth was not only validated by the actor himself but also through various other channels, and the content claimed by the secondary informant was not true. 

Next, the article related to the conversation in the KakaoTalk group room that was released today did not publish the full story of the incident at the time, but extracted some fragmentary scenes without giving any explanation of the circumstances behind it.

The informant's statement that the actor tried to apologize to the informant is also not true at all.

What happened in the KakaoTalk group room is a matter of very complicated facts and very private property. As mentioned in the article, it is also an incident that was already concluded with an apology at the school at the time.

Therefore, at this stage, we do not think it is very appropriate to use the media space to reveal the full story. This incident will also be clearly confirmed through the process of legal action in the near future. In addition, we express our deepest regret to the media that unilaterally reported without ever having gone through fact-checking with us.

The allegations of the anonymous informant so far have not been closely fact-checked, and even though there is no clear evidence around them, they are exposed to the press as they are and are accepted as if they were true.

On the other hand, even if the agency and the actor reveal that there was no such fact, it is very difficult to prove the absence of such facts and one's innocence since the reports of malicious content have already been reported as if they were true.

Even if the innocence is revealed later in the criminal proceedings, the present situation is already irreversible and it is creating a great pain to the actor himself.

For this reason, we decided that in order to protect the honor of the actor, we have no choice but to respond harshly to the second informant following the first informant, and we plan to file a complaint promptly.

In the future, we would like to inform you that we will proceed with hard and decisive legal proceedings against any media with unconfirmed reckless allegations such as YouTubers spreading rumors.

thank you

original post: here

1. But they said it themselves that the situation concluded with an apology at the time, so it did happen 

2. The title says 'untrue' yet the content of their statement says 'it's true'....

3. So what are they claiming is untrue?

4. Look at the way they chose the word "untrue" in the title while acknowledging it in the actual content.... They're probably counting on people who are just reading the title to believe whatever it says 

5. So the Katalk conversations were trueã…‹ã…‹

6. So the Katalk was true, but because he apologized, it's now untrue? Seriously the way they write those articles is so weirdã…‹

7. But it's indeed trueã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ The company and the actor are amazing in many ways

8. So the Katalk was true but not the apology? Isn't it even weirder if he didn't apologize?? They f*cking suck at their workã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹

9. So the Katalk was true 

10. What are they trying to say???

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