"Hello, this is Honey J.

I’m not used to uploading long posts in this space so I’m a bit nervous. However, I wanted to personally announce to everyone the happy news that has recently come to me and share that happiness together, so I’m carefully uploading this.

I, who have always considered love as the most precious, have met someone who makes me want to dream about a future together and we made a promise for a lifetime. He’s someone who always thinks of me first and is overflowing with love and thoughtfulness. I too want to become a person like that for him.

Before the year ends, we will hold our wedding and take one step towards our future together. I hope you will cheer on my future with my partner, who when we’re together, makes me happier than anyone. We will live happily for a long, long time.

Also, I want to share one more happy announcement.
Not too long ago, a new life came to the two of us. I will try to meet this precious and small life who has shown me what happiness that cannot be expressed in words is, with all my love and sincerity. Even in the moment that I’m writing this, I’m going back and forth between feelings of overwhelming joy and responsibility.

I’m sincerely happy to be able to share this news with everyone who has sent me love and attention so that I can learn to be thankful each and every day. As everyone’s unchanging dancer, I will always remember this feeling, repay it, and live prettily. I ask for lots of support and blessings.

Thank you!"
CR: Soompi

original post: here

1. Unnie, congratulations, be happy🥺💖💖💖

2. I used to like Honey J... Congratulations, for real❤️

3. Wow I thought "is this April's Fools?!!" HoJ be happy💜

4. Unnie don't go

5. ㅜㅜㅜㅜ unnie, live happily...

6. Unnie congratulationsㅠㅠ please live happily ㅠㅠ💜

7. Seems like I was in love with Honey J, I feel so weird... seriously, I really wish that she's gonna be happy. Unnie, congrats

8. Wow congrats congrats, please live happily

9. She left I Live Alone and it's such a shame ㅜㅜ congratulations and be happy

10. Hul Honey unnie, be happy!!

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