People said that there are a lot of Japanese girls who follow the Korean maekup style and seems like it's true
This person is also Japanese but I thought that she was Korean at first
post response:
original post: here
1. [+142, -9]
There are a freaking lot of Korean girls who aspire to look Japanese here too so they are just exchanging one another's beauty standard
2. [+62, -6]
Oh Haewon is apparently super popular in Japan (as per my Japanese friend) and they all have that Oh Haewon-st kind of makeup. I can see Oh Haewon in this girl too
3. [+59 ,0]
Wow she really looks Korean
4. [+37, 0]
Even so, the Japanese style is still widely popular. Having bangs over there is a must
5. [+21, -4]
Don't they come to Korea to get plastic surgery? There are a lot of people doing translation at plastic surgery clinics