Hello. This is Brave Entertainment.

First, we would like to apologize for delivering unpleasant news to the fans who support DKB.

We confirmed that on October 30th, our artist Teo was caught by the police for drunk driving and had his license revoked. We informed Teo that drunk driving is absolutely unacceptable behavior regardless of the reason, and after careful discussion with the person involved, we agreed that he should not penalize the group and Teo decided to leave the team. . Teo is currently deeply reflecting on his immature actions.

As we are keenly aware of the seriousness and responsibility of this matter, we will do our best to manage and educate our artists in the future. We apologize again for causing concern to our fans.

In the future, DKB plans to reorganize the team into an 8-member system and continue its activities. We will provide all our support so that DKB can return with more mature music and stages. We ask for your continued love and interest to the 8 DKB members who are doing their best for a comeback despite difficult circumstances.


They're planning for a comeback in November

original post: here

1. Hul and he was the main vocal? Why did he do that...

2. Doing this right before the comeback;

3. Crazy f*cker aigo 

4. Seriously when you'rea dealing with ambiguous situations like this... It's better to break ties as soon as possibel 

5. They're starting to become successful now, this is the good thing to do aigo 

6. Aigo, isn't he the main vocal... Still it's good to kcik him out 

7. Why would you do that ㅠㅠ

8. The main vocal? Hul 

9. ??? Hul 

10. Aigo... The company dealt with this so fast

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