@chuu.atrp 꽁꽁 얼어붙은 한강 위로 고양이가 걸어다닙니다 #CHUU #츄 ♬ 한강 고양이 리믹스 - 행복한피자빵 HappyPizzaBread
+1,114: I feel like something changed
+8: I think she changed something
+1,617: I didn't recognize Chuu at first
+2: ??? That's Chuu ?_?
This was the face of the Chuu I knew..

This was the face of the Chuu I knew..
post response:
original post: here
1. [+22, 0]
She kinda looks way softer
2. [+8, 8]
I think that the screencaps below are just bad photos though. Her face looks the same as her past photos
3. [+7, -4]
She just looks like Chuu with lighter eye makeup
4. [+5, -1]
She looks the same, what are you saying?
5. [+5, 0]
I think it's just a difference in eyeliner, fake lashes + you can't see her teeth + filter