From Hybe

We would like to inform you that the audit, of a team leader of ADOR, conducted by our audit team on the evening of the 9th, was conducted legally, with the consent of the auditee, in a non-coercive atmosphere.

We would like to clearly explain CEO Min Hee-jin's false claims as follows.

▲ Regarding the claim that the audit lasted from 7 p.m. until past midnight.

The team leader came to work at the company yesterday at 6 PM. The audit began when she was contacted by the audit team while commuting to work, and the team leader responded that she would respond to the audit starting at 7 p.m. 

▲ Regarding the claim that we followed a female member to her home late at night after 10 p.m. and forced her to do so.

During the audit, the team leader acknowledged that she had received hundreds of millions of won worth of money and valuables from an outsourcing company over several years with the approval of CEO Min Hee-jin. She then expressed her intention to submit her laptop, which she had left at home, to the company. Accordingly, with her  consent, only our female employees accompanied her into her home where she returned her laptop.

▲ Regarding the claim that consent to the use of personal information was forced

The team leader, who was being audited, agreed to the use of personal information, expressed her intention to cooperate, and even submitted her laptop herself.

▲ Regarding the claim that we requested the submission of her cell phone, which was a personal asset.

CEO Min Hee-jin and some members of ADOR have not used the company's official work messenger at all and have conducted all business conversations exclusively through their personal KakaoTalk. Accordingly, we requested to submit the data stored on the mobile phone, but the team leader did not answer the questions, so the Hybe audit team did not request further submission.

▲ In response to claims that it is a common practice in the advertising industry and that embezzlement cannot be established

There is no practice in which a company's full-time employees directly profit hundreds of millions of won from advertisers. The fact that the amount that should be recognized as the company's sales was passed privately and the CEO knowingly tolerated this for several years is not an ethical practice, but a clear breach of laws. Moreover, as a CEO, CEO Min has not taken any follow-up measures, such as recovery or punishment for illegally received amounts. We hope that the direction of the hundreds of millions of won worth of unfair profits received by the team leader will be clearly revealed during the future investigation.

We are disclosing part of the conversation between CEO Min Hee-jin and ADOR management related to this matter, which was confirmed during the audit process, as an appendix below.

CEO Min is very aware that a large amount of money was received with her connivance. When Hybe's HR inquired about the matter, CEO Min treated it like it was no big deal, even though she knew the seriousness of the matter. 

We express our strong disappointment to CEO Min, who once again attempted to mislead the public by issuing a statement based on false facts. This is serious defamation of the company.

We also express strong regret for not protecting the team leader in question, but instead identifying the individual and announcing it to the media. This audit was conducted on ADOR's employees, not executives, and Hybe had no plans to disclose this matter to the media. However, when CEO Min issued a statement, the entire nation became aware of the fact that the employees were being audited. If CEO Min had any intention of protecting his employees as a boss, she should not have done this.

We would like to inform you that we will take all possible civil and criminal measures in this case.


Hybe is so low

They have no basis to investigate this monetary sum or valuables or whatever, and if they thought it was really a breach of law, then why not report it to the police? ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ It's because they have no authority over this investigation in the first place 

original post: here

1. Look at them starting again, they can't help but play dirty

2. Wow just as expected, they're firing back with the mediaplay 

3. Weren't they talking about business negligence? And now it turned into money and valuables?ã…‹ã…‹

4. So is it business negligence? Or is it money and valuables?

5. No but why are they suddenly investigating money and valuables? They're not even the policeã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ And they're investigating by themselves...? That's so low ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹

6. ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ No but give us the proofs of the "business negligence" you were talking about first .... You said that they had investorsã… !!

7. "We also express strong regret for not protecting the team leader in question, but instead identifying the individual and announcing it to the media. This audit was conducted on ADOR's employees, not executives, and Hybe had no plans to disclose this matter to the media. However, when CEO Min issued a statement, the entire nation became aware of the fact that the employees were being audited. If CEO Min had any intention of protecting his employees as a boss, she should not have done this." <--  This part was the funniest to me
> ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ I was freaking taken aback
> ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ They're gagmen 

8. That's so low 

9. Are they for real? Looking for an employee in the middle of the night?

10. No but if there was really an issue, why not resolve it legally? Why are you calling someone and intimidating them?

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