The dispatch consists of a total of 118 people, including firefighters and military personnel, and is the largest in our relief team that has gone abroad.

Hopefully, it will be of great help to the people of Turkey.

Please come back safely

(For the people who haven't read the news, 9,000 people died in Turkey because of the earthquake)

original post: here

1. Please have a safe trip!! Thank you!

2. I hope that everyone returns safely without any loss. I hope that we see the same faces returning

3. 9,000 people.... what in the worldã… ã… ã… ã… ã… 

4. Please don't get hurt and be careful. Thank you for your service

5. Please, I hope we don't have any casualties

6. Thank you ㅜㅜ please return safely ㅜㅜㅜ

7. Why do I get teary every time I read news like these? ㅜㅜ Please return, all of you

8. You can see the level of emergency in their expressions.. please have a safe trip. I respect you

9. This makes me so proud. Please be careful of your bodies and I hope that nobody gets hurt. I hope the doggies don't get hurt either

10. Have a safe trip ã… ã…  Our puppies are also being active and I hope they return safely ã… ã…  our puppy crew is already so famous ã… ã… 

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